November month is observed as “Diabetes Awareness” month in Canada. In order to create awareness on Diabetes, Canadian Newa Guthi (CNG), a Nepalese community organization organized a talk program to Nepalese community and its newcomers in preventive Diabetes,
Delivering a talk on diabetes, Canadian Diabetes Association Board member Ms. Dianna Provenzano stressed on the need of choosing healthy food with balanced diet, spending physically active life style and seeing doctors to know about the risk of diabetes,” South Asian, including Nepalese community, are also prone to diabetes because of food pattern, changed life style in their new country”. Ms. Dianna Provenzano added. She advised the newcomers to be more informed about diabetes prevention tips as they are having drastic changes in their new country in terms of food, life style, and stress level and so on. Some of the participants who are newcomers, thanked Canadian government for the best health benefits. They also opined to have community wise awareness program to prevent diabetes and make diabetics free community. In the program, CNG Secretary General Bimal Man Shrestha welcomed the newcomers and thanked for the active participation in the program.