ब्राम्प्टन, क्यानेडियन नेवाः गुठिले गत सप्ताहान्तमा “मुटुलाई कसरी स्वस्थ्य राख्ने” बिषयमा प्रबचन कार्यक्रम संचालन गरेको छ । नेपालका बरिष्ठ मुटु रोग बिषेषज्ञ प्रा. डा. सुजीब राजभण्डारीले क्यानडाको भ्रमणकोक्रममा क्यानेडियन नेवाःगुठिद्वारा आयोजित कार्यक्रममाRead More…
बिचाः हाय्का च्वनागु जुल
नेपाःया दकले नाँ जाःम्ह बाँङ्गमय सताब्दि पुरुष साहित्यबिद व संस्कृतिविद् भाजु सत्यमोहन जोशी जु यलयागु ग्वार्क्वेच्वङ्गु आईएसटी मेडिकल कलेज अस्पतालय् मदुगु खबरं क्यानाडियन नेवा गुठि व गुठिया सकल दुजः पिं तसकंहे स्तव्धRead More…
Mha Puja – 2022 & Nhu Daya Celebration
Canadian Newa Guthi (CNG) cordially invites you to attend the Annual “Mha Puja – 2022” program on the day of Mha puja, followed by Nepal Sambat (New Year as per Newari Lunar Calendar) 1143 celebration. The programRead More…
Decision of 16th Annual General Meeting
Canadian Newa Guthi (CNG) conducted its 16th Annual General Meeting on Sept. 18, 2022, in virtual mode. The meeting was presided over by CNG President Mr. Prakash Lal Pradhan and participated byRead More…
Newah Jhwo Bhwoye – 2022
CNG – Misha Pucha is proudly organizing Newah Jhwo Bhwoye – 2022. This is the first event held by the pucha, and we expect your support by gracefully participating in the event. Date: August 27th, 2022,Read More…
Ehee Program Detail – 2022
Please see the details of the event below: Event date and time: Sunday, July 3, 2022, arrival time 8:00 am All the participants are requested to reach the venue at 8:00 am. ThereRead More…