1 Mr. Prakash Lal Pradhan – President 2 Mr. Uttam Kumar Makaju – Vice-President 3 Mr. Bimal Man Shrestha – General-Secretary 4 Mr. Suman Rajbhansi – Secretary 5 Mr. Rajendra Maharjan –Read More…
Pictures from 4th World Newa Day March 27, 2021
Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/prajwal.pradhan.73/videos/4615884145104789
योमरि पुन्हि – २०७७ बि सं
Thank you very much to everyone who has participated in this event on January 2, 2021, and made this event a grand success. Canadian Newa Guthi always appreciates you all. Please CLICKRead More…
योमरि पुन्हि – २०७७ बि सं
Yomari Punhi ((योमरि पुन्हि)) is one of the most popular Newar festival marking the end of the rice harvest and is observed every year November/December during the full moon on the day of Thinla (थिंला), theRead More…